Blog: pet health

Dental Care for Pets

Do you love to cuddle with your pet but you can’t stand his bad breath? This bad breath may be the start of a big problem. By the time your dog or cat turns three years old, 80% of them will have significant dental disease.

Toxic Plants

We know that there are some plants that can be dangerous to our pets. Many a curious cat, although usually picky about what they eat, may sometimes decide to chomp down on the leaves of your new bouquet brought into the house.

Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool During Hot Summer Days

Here are some tips on how to keep your pet cool in the summer heat: 

Xray showing nerf balls

Molly and the Nerf Balls

The other week, our team examined and treated a lovely 4.5-month-old female golden retriever named Molly. Molly presented with acute vomiting and not feeling like herself. The morning of Molly’s appointment, her owners noted she vomited up two foam Nerf balls and continued to vomit into the early afternoon, this...